Hi there ,hello to you ,and to you .Thanks so much for calling in .Welcome to my room . Hope you are well .
Hi to my newest followers Tina, [no contact blog yet] and Helen from
I know Helen and her craft talent and can recommend her blog for a visit .
Here it is another Monday closer to Christmas . I must admit that Christmas here will be pretty quiet as we have seen all our children , Danny , Sonny and Michelle . We have given out the pressies and sent off all the cards I could manage . I think Doug and I will have a ham /chicken sandwich picnic in the park on Christmas Day .
Now being Monday , the
Make it Monday Linky Party thingy will be in full swing by now . Hope that you will still have time to show us something , old or new , this week .
Here is my card to share .
The striped and the dotty papers are digi papers from this weeks sponsor .Webster's pages Journaling Cards were used for sentiments ,front and inside . Image on front was from a free set that came with a magazine and the inside is a 3D sticker I've had for YONKS.
We were given some papers to choose from to download and print out . Thank you very much , Mandy.
The wonderful prize this week is a CD with the winner's choice of 4 collections!
Do pop over and see the fab selection of papers for all occassions . You might be pleasantly surprised.
Remember, to be in the running to win the prize from our sponsor this week just leave a comment for another entry. Be sure to mention you saw them on Make It Monday. The more entries you comment on the more chances you have of winning!
CONGRATS to last week's winners .
And while you are out and about on the PC , please do call in on the ladies of the Design Team to see who they have chosen from last week's entries .
So here now is my pick from last week .
Hello Chris .beautiful take on sketch, with stunning papers , perfect colouring and embellishing . Thanks for sharing on Make it Monday

So much more to see and admire on Chris's blog and I am sure she would love to welcome you to her craft place .
That is it from me today .Once again thank you for being here ,and thanks too to those who visit and leave some blog lovin 'for me .I do appreciate and read every comment AND I do try to call in to each of you when I can .
Catch you again soon , cheers for now , Shirley-Anne.