I'm not sure if many people will visit this part but I hope they do and I hope those who gave me these wonderful awards know that I really appreciate them and am quite proud to get them .
Here you will see Blog Awards that my wonderful blogging friends have given me . I really appreciated each and every gift .
I don't think that I am an especially great crafter/ card maker but I do know that my heart goes into every card I make . Most of the craftys that have given these to me are so much more talented than I , so getting an award from them is particularly special .
Having said that , I appreciate each award and love that someone thought of me and my humble creations as worthy .....
Thank you every one .
Sharon and Jane sent this for me in Feb/March 2012
One from my Daughter , Michelle is a treasure .
From Michelle http://michelle-pinkpaperparadise.blogspot.com/

Two of my very first awards shown above . were from Stephanie ... http://www.alwayscrafting.com/
Blog award from Suzart http://zuzart.blogspot.com/
Jane http://janes-creations.blogspot.com/
Monica http://handmadecardswithlove.blogspot.com/
That one from Monica http://handmadecardswithlove.blogspot.com/
And later I received this one , the Versatile Blogger , from Jacki.
Thanks Jacki , for thinking of me and my mostly CAS cards.
Thanks Monica http://handmadecardswithlove.blogspot.com/
Thanks Laura http://inkandsheep.blogspot.com/That one from Sandra http://rosepetalcreations.blogspot.com/
From Sandra http://rosepetalcreations.blogspot.com/
Thank you Lisa Jane http://mess2magic.blogspot.com/
and thank you too Terri .. http://terriscrafts.wordpress.com/
Thanks again all of you
Hugs Shirley-anne