
Sunday, May 12, 2024

Day of Rest

Hello , you all . Thanks for calling in and I hope that you enjoy the browsing . 

Luckily I have a large collection of craft  supplies from my time with Kraftyhands  group and always seem to find just what I need when I need it .

This is one of the images from a pack of  12 Mini Postcards of a bear named James .

Now, I have a male birthday coming up soon and this particular bloke works hard ,plays hard  but would like to relax more . So that is what I will wish for him . A day to lounge around . 

The  days have been sunny and quite pleasant here so hubby and I have been sitting outside in the afternoon sun , watching the traffic and people walking by . Reminds me of the days when I was a youngster walking around the block , saying hello and giving a wave to the old folks sitting on their front veranda. That is us now LOL .

Actually it is Mothers' Day today so I had calls /messages from my children and that made my happy day .

Thanks for calling in ,may your day be Blessed with sunshine too .

                      Catch you again soon , cheers for now .
