Hi there blog pals .Welcome to my room and thank you for calling in .
I do hope that frequent and new visitors alike and followers enjoy their browsing .
Lisa S. invited me to take part in a blog hop . Having not participated in one before I hope that I follow all the right steps .
I was inspired by
Lisa's enthusiasm and encouragement when I worked with her as DT for Make it Monday so her invite is an honour.
Lisa for guiding me .
A few questions that Lisa gave me to steer me in the right direction as an introduction are answered here .
What am I working on ?
I have a few craft friends who enjoy craft days with me , where I make 3 cards and kits for them to make and take . So I am always creating for those . At the moment though, on my desk is a DT card for Kraftyhands and the next challenge .
Cards I have made for my group
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I favour CAS cards and find it very difficult to embellish my cards .So I would have to say that the lack of flowers or bling would be the difference . Having said that , I am comfortable with my style and love to share .
Why do I create what I do?
Rest and recreation . Because I am lucky in that I can . Simple as that. If I am not creating I am researching . I am addicted to paper craft . It has taken over another love of mine which is writing .
How does your creating process work?
I read many craft books troll through blogs and Pinterest and research styles and layouts .
When I have found colour combinations and themes I think I have materials to work with I set about collecting all that I need to make my interpretation of what ever I have found . I do like to have every thing on hand before I begin .Cutting anything that needs to be cut , colour any image and assemble all layers on the card base ,This where I procrastinate ! This is where changes can be made if I have thought of some thing that might work better .
And now for the card I created for this post .
Card stock , SU. Image from
Kraftyhands CD, Butterfly Botanicals .
Sentiment from SU , Bling from Kraftyhands on line shop .Embossing folder, Couture creations.
Lisa for inviting me to participate
And now it is time for me to hand the baton over to
I have asked
Sandy to join me on the blog hop next and you will see her post on the 8th .
Sandy is a crafting buddie of mine .We meet twice a week for card making , chat and coffee. Many of you will have seen her works of art as Sandy is on many DTs.
Catch you again soon , cheers for now , Shirley-Anne