
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Inspiration from tidying my room

 Hi there , thanks for calling in . 

My craft afternoon has been one of the best because it began while attacking a messy desk .

Well, have you ever started to tidy your craft space, only to find that you have unearthed so long forgotten treasures .Images ,cut outs and  little snippets from older magazines and images that you printed out because at the time you thought were just right for a project that you had intended to begin straight away?

Of course you have . As a true crafter / card maker , scrapbooker , thats just what one does .       Isn't it?...........Gee, I hope someone, somewhere said, "of course". 

Any way ..

The paper ,on my messy desk,  had been left over  from a 12"x12" thicker  paper and I trimmed it to create a 12.5cm square card. The floral embellishments came from a freebie sheet  in a magazine pack,while the sentiment came from an ephemera pack from SU."Saying Something" .

You will find those on page 19 in the current  SU catalogue.

I adhered  all the pieces with foam dots . Now , looking at this
 make ,I am wondering if the striped background suits the floral embellishments .
Still , I will leave it because I like it ......
OH and I did add a little Wink of Stella on some of the flowers ..

That is my afternoon crafting session and Blog entry  completed . 

I hope that you have enjoyed the read and can relate to the finding of sweet treasures  on your desk .

Catch you again soon , cheers for now ,Shirley-Anne.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Early Christmas card

Hello to you , welcome to my postings .I hope that you will browse the older pages to see the other  CAS cards that I enjoy creating . I appreciate comments left and always return the visit 

I thought that I  would begin my Christmas card makes by using this image saved from a stash of Kraftyhands purchases/ freebies 
 from years ago .

A red card base to begin as a tent fold card. The dotty green layer was cut a bit smaller than card front then it was cut to a triangle shape and adhered to left side of card.The smaller triangle is cut from the other half so it will show back side of D/S paper and added to the bottom of card front .
The image came as a circle shape so I adhered it to some red card scrap and die cut with larger scallop circle die . I then adhered that to the join of triangles with foam dots .
I stamped the sentiment, which is from the SU set , 
Cookie-Cutter Christmas , diecutting it out before adding it ,also with foam dots . I just added a few  self adhesive yellow stars.
The inside will have a layer of the green dotty paper with a white card piece added for the greeting .

  Now that I have begun the few Christmas cards that I need ,I know that I will spend time searching on my favorite blogs for new ideas and inspiration . You will know when I have visited you because I love to leave comments ..

          Catch you again soon , cheers for now, 

Monday, June 10, 2024

New style card

                 Hello and a happy day to you .Thanks for calling in and sharing  part of your  day with me .

            Freezing weather  today but warm inside here as I put the air on early ..did  a quick flick around with the broom and duster and have cleared the sink of breakfast dishes . 

           Now with no guilty concious I can play in my craft room .

           In between these sentences that I am putting together ,  I am  thinking about the card I want to create today . It is June and I have     4 birthday cards to create this month.    

           But the card I am sharing today is not one of them . Rather it is an experiment design I am trying out . The card base is from some scrap green ..not enough for a full  card but 14cm x 14cm. or 51/2 x 51/2 inches .

So on the left side  I  created  a 1 1/4  inch fold .                        

I had some scrap mushroom patterned D/S paper and I used the back side of it {red} on the narrow front panel . I stamped the mushroom house on scrap white and coloured before adding to card front  The sentiment is from my scrap stash .

I cut the rest of that paper 10.2x 13.3cm . and adhered it to the underside of narrow card front .

With some basic white card for the insert I added ,to the right side,  the last piece of paper .I stamped a gnome , free from  a magazine,  on scrap white and coloured it before adding to card .

Wow I hope that my attempt at the recipe is clear and that the photos helped .

I really enjoyed creating this odd shape card and that I used up some scraps .

Let me know how clear  this recipe was for you .

Stay safe , you all , as covid and flu about ...


                Thanks again for calling in ,do hope you enjoyed the time 

            Catch you again soon , cheers for now ,                                                                              Shirley-Anne