
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Early Christmas card

Hello to you , welcome to my postings .I hope that you will browse the older pages to see the other  CAS cards that I enjoy creating . I appreciate comments left and always return the visit 

I thought that I  would begin my Christmas card makes by using this image saved from a stash of Kraftyhands purchases/ freebies 
 from years ago .

A red card base to begin as a tent fold card. The dotty green layer was cut a bit smaller than card front then it was cut to a triangle shape and adhered to left side of card.The smaller triangle is cut from the other half so it will show back side of D/S paper and added to the bottom of card front .
The image came as a circle shape so I adhered it to some red card scrap and die cut with larger scallop circle die . I then adhered that to the join of triangles with foam dots .
I stamped the sentiment, which is from the SU set , 
Cookie-Cutter Christmas , diecutting it out before adding it ,also with foam dots . I just added a few  self adhesive yellow stars.
The inside will have a layer of the green dotty paper with a white card piece added for the greeting .

  Now that I have begun the few Christmas cards that I need ,I know that I will spend time searching on my favorite blogs for new ideas and inspiration . You will know when I have visited you because I love to leave comments ..

          Catch you again soon , cheers for now, 


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, I'm here to return the favour.

    Loving this cute Christmas card with the triangular cut papers and sweet circular image. Have a nice day x

  2. This is such a cute card with the fun design and great paper choices to go along with that darling image. You are ahead of the rush with making Christmas cards early and that's a good thing!

  3. A fun Christmas Bear and card Shirley Anne. Great papers too. x


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I really appreciate it and enjoy reading each one .
hugs Shirley-Anne